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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Holidays in the USA"


Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку:

«Holidays in the USA»

Класс: 8 «А»

Цели мероприятия:

1. Обобщение изученного материала по теме «Holidays in the USA»;

совершенствование навыков устной речи; актуализация страноведческого материала.

2. Обобщить лингвострановедческий материал по указанной теме. Углубить и

расширить знания по теме.

3. Совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по

данной теме по всем видам речевой деятельности: аудированию, говорению, чтению

и письму.

4. Повысить интерес к изучению иностранного языка.

Оборудование: презентация, костюмы, реквизиты, плакаты.

Ход внеклассного мероприятия:

I. Организационный момент, приветствие и сообщение темы.  

Teacher: Good morning, dear guests and pupils! Today we are glad to see you at our after-school activity related to «Holidays in the USA». We hope you will have a nice time. Let our students tell us about the «Thanksgiving day».

Pupil: Здравствуйте дорогие гости, мальчики и девочки! Сегодня мы рады вас видеть на нашем мероприятии, посвященном праздникам в США. Надеемся, что вам понравится. Разрешите начать наше мероприятие с Дня


1) Thanksgiving day presentation. Alisher and Dmitri tell about this holiday.

Teacher: Thank you, boys! Thanksgiving Day is traditionally a day for families and friends to get together for a special meal and give thanks for what they have.

The scene «Thanksgiving day». Сценка

Participants: Viktor – father, Christina - mother, Kirill, Dias – sons, Laura – daughter.

Sitting at the table. Girls laying out the table and then sit down too. They all hold their hands and give thanks to God for what they have.

«We all have so many things in our lives to be thankful for. We all must not live our life with stress and pain. Let us say thanks and stay happy for all blessings. Happy Thanksgiving! »

Teacher: Now let us know about Christmas.

2) «Christmas» presentation. Laura - Artyom

Teacher: Every child at Christmas wants to take a present from Santa.

The scene «Dear Santa». Santa – Iman, children – Christina, Laura, Temirlan.

Santa is sitting on the chair and children come up to him and ask some questions.

Christina is touching Santa’s beard and ask a question: -   Santa, are you real? 

Santa: - No, I’m just your imagination.

Temirlan: How do you travel around the world?

Santa: -   I take the bus

Laura: My mother says that I’m a bad girl

Santa: -   Well, your mother is right.

Then Santa gives them presents and suggests singing a song “Jingle Bells”

The Christmas game: «Guess What I Am»

In this game, pupils will take turns describing different Christmas and holiday related items. Teacher starts by brainstorming

a list of different holiday items. The list includes the following: Christmas tree, holiday lights, presents, Santa Clause, etc. Then either assign one to a pupil or have him (her) draw an item from a hat. He (she) must then describe the object in the first person (as if he (she) is that object) until someone guesses the object correctly. The pupil starts by giving three clues. For example, he (she) might say, “I grow in the forest. People bring me home and decorate me. They put presents under me.” Pupils then have a chance to guess what object he (she) is. Whoever guesses correctly gets to be the next person to give a deion. If no one can guess the item after three clues, he (she) gives three more and students get another opportunity to guess.

3) Halloween presentation. Kirill – Viktor.

The scene “Trick-or-treat”.

Participants: Artyom – the host of the house. Children – Laura, Kirill, Iman.

Artyom is inside the house.

Children: - Trick-or-treat. (knocking the door)

Artyom: - What do you want from me?!

Children: - Trick-or-treat.

Artyom: - Get out of here! I've got no candies for you! (returns the home)

Kirill and Iman: - He is so angry! Let’s play a trick!

Laura: - He didn’t give us some treat, but it would be better if we give him some candies and maybe he'll become better.

Kirill and Iman are thinking: - Ok.

Children knocking the door, Artyom goes outside and they give him some candies, he is smiling and children go away.

4) Independence day presentation. Temirlan – Nikolai.

The scene. There is a video playing on the board, the President of the USA is reading the Declaration of the Independence, after that one pupil use a party popper.

Teacher: Unfortunately, it is time to say good-bye to each other, dear guests. Let’s say «Thank you» to our pupils. Thank you for your attention. Good bye!


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