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Looking at natural disasters in Kazakhstan and around the world


Short term plan


Unit. Natural Disasters

School: Akkol SS №2

Date: 27.02.2018

Teacher’s name: Remsha T.E.


Grade 7

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Looking at natural disasters in Kazakhstan and

around the world

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is

contributing to

7.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion.

7.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings.

7.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of

familiar general and curricular topics.

7.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a growing range of

familiar general and curricular topics.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able



Read the

passage and mark sentences as True or False;



meaning from context by finding the words in the text;


Read the

passage and  fill in missing words;

Most learners will be

able to:



unprepared speech to answer a variety of questions at sentence level  and 

in conversations with some flexibility;

Some learners will be

able to:



topic-related vocabulary in their own context independently with much freedom;

Language objective

Vocabulary, related to

the topic: violent, cyclone, to rotate at speed, air pressure, destruction,

to occur, severe thunderstorm, to injure, to affect, preventive measures

Value links

Responsibility, Global


Cross curricular links

Geography and Social


Planned timings

Planned activities



5 minutes






“A Disaster Quiz”


(W) Learners

should try to answer the quiz questions as quickly as it is possible. They

should raise their hands or pound. The teacher may also think of any suitable

reward for the best learner, eg. a candy or a colourful sticker


The teacher

presents the lesson objectives to the learners




PPP, slide 1-11



PPP, Slide 12

Main part


5 min.










15 min.















































































10 min.







The main part of the lesson

Pre-reading Activity

(P) Before reading the text about tornadoes learners should work in

pairs and discuss the following questions:

1) What kind of natural disasters do you know?

2) How can people predict the weather?

3) Can we prevent any natural disasters beforehand?

4) What can we do in case of emergency?


(I) Teacher suggests a reading activity to the learners.

The text:

“Tornado is a violent wind movement. They are

also called twisters or cyclones. Most people recognize them as a towering

black funnel extending downward from the base of a large cumulonimbus cloud.

It rotates at speeds up to three hundred miles per hour (480 kpm.) or in some

rare cases, even faster. In the centre of the tornado, the air pressure is

very low in comparison to surrounding air pressure.

The speed of the wind is the primary cause of

deaths and destruction of property. Many people are killed by flying objects

and debris (missiles). They happen in certain parts of the world Australia,

the Midwestern and Southern of United States.

They also occur more frequently in the spring and

summer months. Tornadoes usually occur as part of a severe thunderstorm and

often come in advance of cold fronts, however, they can also occur (although

less frequently) ahead of warm fronts, and even behind cold fronts.

The greatest killer tornado in the United States

occurred during the year 1925 in Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri. It killed

six hundred ninety-five people and injured over two thousand”.

Reading Task 1

Learners read the passage “Tornadoes”. They get a sheet with the

questions and mark if the sentences are True

or False.

1.  Tornadoes are also known as twisters.


2.  The speed of tornadoes is always the same.


3.  Tornadoes cannot damage property.


4.  Tornadoes mostly happen in specific places

of the planet. _____________

5.  One of the strongest tornadoes happened at

the end of the 20th century in America. _____________


1.  True

2.  False

3.  False

4.  True

5.  False

Reading Task 2

Find the

words that mean:

6.  Verb that means “turn around, revolve”

(paragraph 1)- ________________________

7.  Noun, synonym to the word damage (paragraph

2)- ________________________

8.  Adverb, antonym to the word seldom, hardly

ever (paragraph 3) -________________________

9.  Synonym to the word happen (paragraph 4)-


10.       Verb that means “hurt” (paragraph 4)-



6.  Rotate

7.  Destruction

8.  Frequently

9.  Occur

10.       Injure

*Reading Task 3

Complete the

sentences with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS.

11.       Tornado can be described as a strong


12.       Tornadoes cause


13.       Three states

______________________________________ were hit by severe tornadoes in the




11.       Wind movement

12.       Death and destruction

13.       Indiana, Illinois, Missouri.



Less-able students do Level 1, more-able students do Level 2.


Learners evaluate their own progress, using the “Keys” to the tasks.

To get achieved

– 8 points for Level 1, 11 points for Level 2.

Speaking about natural disasters

(W I) Teacher suggests developing speaking on topic “Natural Disasters”

to the learners with “Take an Interview” game. The teacher explains the

rules: one learner chooses any question from the list and asks any learner

they want. Then the learner who has just answered takes their turn.





PPP, slide 13











Appendix 1 Formative Reading “Tornadoes”








































































Appendix 2 “Natural Disasters Speaking Cards”



5 min.

Reflection “Here I am!” technique

The teacher puts three pictures on the walls around the classroom: the

top of the mountain (success), the deserted island (frustration), the

cross-roads (hesitation)

The learners

write their names on the sticky papers and place their stickers on the

appropriate picture, expressing spiritual, emotional state.






Teacher asks students what task was difficult to them and which pair worked



Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give

more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check

learners’ learning?

Critical thinking

More support:

Provide less able learners with easier reading


More able


Get an extra

reading task

Make analysis

of their work and help weaker ones to arrange information.



learners to check they can do the reading tasks properly



learners when participating in speaking. Did each learner contribute to the speaking

and discussion? If not, why not?

Some questions provide

critical thinking while answering to them.

Summary evaluation

What two things went

really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would

have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from

the lesson about this class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?
































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