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Cities of Canada.


The theme of the lesson: Cities of Canada.

The Aims of the lesson:

·       to consolidate and generalize knowledge of students on the theme; to enrich students’ knowledge about cities of Canada.

·        to develop pupils’ habits and skills on speaking, writing, reading through giving some tasks

·       to increase interest in cities of Canada, to develop and enrich cultural knowledge about Canada.

Visual aids: grammar scheme, posters,video.

  Outline of the lesson
I. Organization moment.
a) greeting
b) everyday questions

  II. Presentation of the theme and aims of the lesson.

Today we going to talk about Canada

- How do you think? What will we do on today’s lesson?

 I hope you will

• learn more about Canada

• improve critical thinking skills

• develop skills and habits of oral speech;

• wide your outlook on different topics connecting with Canada.

- Are you ready?


III. Brainstorming.

Divide these words into three

groups: nouns, verbs, adjectives.

Independent, consist, language, size, situate, state, speak, national, city,

large, industry, live, main, become, beautiful, resource.

IV. Watch the video and answer the


1. What kind of state is Canada? (Canada is a federal state and a member of the


2. What are Canada’s official colours? (white and red).

3. Where is Canada situated? (It

is situated on the North American continent.)

4. What is the capital of the

country? (Ottawa)

7. How is called the flag of


8. What is the national symbol of


9. What are official languages of Canada? (English and French).

10. What are the largest cities

of Canada? (Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver.)

11. Parliament of Canada consist

of…..? (two houses)

12. Who is formally the Head of

the country? (The British Queen)

V. Numbers (each group choose the

number and say what does it means)

33,      10,      


VI. Group work. (students read the texts and do the poster)

“Toronto” is for the first


“Ottawa” is for the second


“Montreal” is for the third


Read the text. (ex. 3 p.


Presentation of posters.

(using the questions ex. 4 p. 165)

  1. Where is it situated?
  2. When was it founded?
  3. What are the famous
  4. buildings?
  5. What is it famous for?
  6. How many people live
  7. there?
  8. What is its most popular
  9. sight?
  10. What kind of climate does
  11. it have?

  VII. Grammar. Zero Conditional.

      Students complete the sentences

  1. If you ______(freeze) water, it _______(become) a
  2. solid.
  3. Plants _______(die) if
  4. they_______(not get)enough water.
  5. If my
  6. husband_______(have) a cold, I usually ______(catch) it.
  1. If
  2. you_____ (mix) red and blue, you ______(get) purple.
  3. Ice _______(melt) if you _______(heat) it.
  4. If it_______(rain), the grass _______(get) wet.
  1. We
  2. ________ (not use) calculators when we ________ (write) tests.
  3. If you ________ (push)
  4. this button, the volume __________ ( increase).
  5. If you _____ (take) your
  6. mobile phone into class, it __________ (must) be turned off.

VIII. Home task. Project work ex. 12 p. 167

IX. Reflection. (reflection cards)

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